Monday, July 31, 2006

well shock bleedin horror

'Mel Gibson yesterday apologised for his "despicable" remarks after a Los Angeles police officer claimed that the actor had shouted a barrage of anti-semitic abuse, including a claim that "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world". Gibson, 50, was arrested in the early hours of Friday after he was found driving his Lexus along the Pacific coast highway while allegedly drunk. A three-quarters-full bottle of tequila wrapped in a brown paper bag was found on the floor. The Australian star told the officer that he would regret arresting him and that he "owned Malibu". The report says: "Gibson blurted out a barrage of anti-semitic remarks about 'f**king Jews'. Gibson yelled out: 'The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.' Gibson then asked: 'Are you a Jew?'" - The Guardian.

really though, is anyone surprised?

oh and today at work someone actually used the this phrase (now please bear in mind this was said in a serious context) "at this place you'll find that time really is money"

well shitbox

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Monkeys...pissing about?

The music industry was stunned yesterday as the Arctic Monkeys revealed their latest masterpiece, its all been a bit of a wind up. "Yeah we were pissing about like"droned the singing one. " We started it out as a bit of a joke like and then everyone started sayin we were sound" he continued "so we just thought we'd go along with it. We thought everyone would find us out like, especaially when we did that girls aloud cover, they're well sound. I wouldnt with the ginner though, would you?" The whining lead singer continued claiming that he "often just made it up as he went along"which goes a long way to explain the bands 'raw' sound. " i often just looked round for the first thing i could see, like a box of fags or some gravy and made everything rhyme like. Sound"

not really

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Ranty Rant

Its been a tiring week and a bit being back in the big scary world of working for The Man. The thing that Ive discovered however is that The Man is really rather rude.He doesnt care about manners or common courtesy, oh no sir. He's much more interested in answering his phone by simply saying his name in a manner in which suggests that he may defecate on your mom simply for having the minerals to ring him on his work specific mobile phone. Hes more interested in saying Ciao to people even though hes actually from Barnsley or some other little backwater town in the North of England.He's also more much interested in talking in half sentances for instance "Jimmy...thursday...yeah..." Is just one example of the kind of conversations often heard belowing around the office. So its safe to say that I dont like my job...I also dont like the fact that I'm only there for the money, it sits uncomfortably with me one my hour long bus journeys to and from work.Theres something unsettling about the fact that im sacrificing my summer for 7.50 an hour.

So if your unlucky enough to be on the end of a phone call from one particularly knackered phone monkey from Birmingham, take pity on me and please, for the sake of your children and for our lord and saviour JC himslef please dont say Ciao

*EDIT - ive just figured it out - im officially working for the cash machine - now i see what those talented lads from (insert small provincial town here) were talking about. Its shit this