The road extends bleakly into the distance, I can see nothing but cool hard black tarmac and the unending white lines of the road markings. Or at least i should be able to see them but im reading the paper. The speedometer ticks over to 80 mph but i pay little attention to it. im trying not to see the speed creeping higher and higher but i cant help but sneak a peak over the top of my newspaper. its like a cut in the roof of my mouth, i know i should leave it alone or take some kind of action to help it get better but i cant help but keep poking at it with my tongue. its only going to get worse. i look up from my newpaper and suddenly realise that the gentle country road i was so blindly speeding down is litttered with fallen trees, not branches but giant redwoods. "how did i not see those?" i wonder to myself, painfully aware of the fact that i had probably seen the blockages hours earlier, and had simply chosen to ignore them. the realisation dawns upon my at this point, it was a fact that i had overlooked when i first climbed in to the drivers seat, "you cant drive" my brain tells me, confirming that dread feeling in the pit of my stomach. "this is going to be tricky" i reply as my car roars helplessly towards the first tree...