Ive never found this blogging lark easy which maybe part of the reason i dont update it as often as you arty media types but i do try and update it when i can, not sure why i find it hard but sometimes the words dont come out like id like them to.Unlike Puck i cant write stuff out before hand, partly because i often cant read my own "handwriting" partly because if i wrote it out in hard copy i also worry id come across as being quite contrived - which obviously is a bad thing.
Its been a weird ol few days trying to adapt to being back in Brumshire - its quite odd living at home again but i think im finally getting used to it again, thanks in no small part to the rogues gallery of proles and fuckwits that myself and the Ghost of String (R.I.P.) encountered today on our job trawl which took us on our merry way to the Job Centre. There we were a little bit like hobbits, all back packs and cheery optimism about to embark on our journey into employmenthood only to be confronted by a mentalist of epic proportions, and by epic i mean EPIC.This dude made Jabba the Hut look a bit like the anorexic Olsen twin (for those that dont know shes a bit thin).Following our encounter with the fat lad a variatable army of scum poured into the Centre, who despite our general alround awesome status are more likely to be employed than me and the Stringmeister - and that is because we are people - individuals, self aware if you will. Although we are technically from Northfield, we are not of Northfield. And this friends is a very very good thing. More to come on this on a day when im less knackered - i imagine the Ghost can explain it better anywho.
In other news i have moved back to Birmingham properly now, so much like Puck i will soon have a new term time home at least - it was not quite as melancholy a moment as i was expecting when i left - it bothers me that i couldnt get sad about leaving my house in leicester. I blame Chris